
Your external Marketing Department


A comprehensive range of services, tailored to the unique needs of your business.

External PR, communication or marketing department

External product manager, event manager

Branding and corporate identity

Employer branding activities

Communication and marketing strategies

Public relations - media relations, CSR

Monitoring and improvement of processes

Access to local and international customers

I will use my knowledge and experience to help your company achieve its goals

at every stage of the project.

Find out more in the

If you need the support of a professional and do not have the budget

to hire an expert full-time - contact me to arrange a free consultation

and find out more about the potential of our collaboration.


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Marta Stelmach

I would like to invite you to take a look at the projects in which I have had the pleasure of participating and of which I am particularly proud.

Each of them has been meticulously planned and executed with a view to meeting specific business objectives and offering the right solutions. All the projects have been a unique experience for me, and each has brought me a great deal of satisfaction, knowledge and skills.

I am happy to invite you to learn about my work and share my successes with you.

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Pieniny Diamond

Diamond of the Pieniny - A mountain expedition combined with a charity event.

Originator, organiser, participant, promotion and publicity, face and heart of the whole action.

The Pieniny Diamond is a badge awarded by the Management of the Pieniny Branch of the Polish Tourist Country-Lovers' Society (PTTK) in Szczawnica for walking the entire Pieniny range from sunrise till sunset in one day. The route is more than 50 km long, the total altitude exceeds 2,000 metres.

The average crossing time so far has been 14-17 hours. The expedition was combined with a charity action - a donation was launched for the Opole Treatment and and Rehabilitation of Wild Animals AVI.

The aim was to raise 8,000 PLN for an incubator, pump and oxygen concentrator. The campaign also had an educational element - to make people aware of the role of wild animals in the ecosystem and to answer the to the most important question:

What should I do when I find an injured wild animal that needs intervention?

In addition to me, the Pieniny Diamond was picked up by 3 people and an additional one was our technical support. I involved the media, mountain and travel portals from the Opole and Malopolska regions. My company, who I used to work for, was also involved, supporting the action and helping with promotion. They also made a donation towards the cause.

In this way, a mountain expedition and a charity expedition has turned into an employer branding campaign. Thanks to which we presented „Netkoncept” as an employer who supports its employees pursuing their passion.

Promotion of the action:

  • Local radio stations: Radio Eska - local coverage and patronage of Radio Opole, interviews and announcements before the action, live coverage on air during the march, coverage after the action,
  • social media: FB my personal profile, the profile of my company Netkoncept, the AVI association, PTTK Szczawnica which awarded the badge and was also involved in promoting the event,
  • Internet portals: www.wpienieny.pl; www.24opole.pl - Internet TV interview.

The result of the action was phenomenal!

The Pieniny Diamond was won, and thanks to the action a sponsor was found, who funded the equipment for which the funds were collected. In addition, the amount of PLN 4160 was collected at the drop box.


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A promotional campaign for a new product, example of a social media post.

A new device with a sensor for good dreams and nightmares* is about to enter the market and will be a real hit - if you wear the device on your hand, it will turn every bad thought into a positive memory. It is the only one of its kind on the market. A short text on LinkedIn and guidelines for a graphic designer have been prepared in connection with this.

*Function does not exist in reality.

Linkedin Post

Device that will ensure your best sleep ever calleds "Sleep easy”

is available now in a form of a wrist band

Yes, you read correctly, our soon-to-be-launched product will help you enjoy a great night's sleep no matter what. It even turns every nightmare into a positive memory.

Sleep disorders can contribute to a lowered immune system and the development of lifestyle diseases such as depression, obesity, heart disease and cancer. They also cause a deterioration in mood and concentration levels and, consequently, efficiency.

A recent report prepared for World Sleep Day states that almost half of those surveyed admit that the quality of their sleep has deteriorated, and more than a third are struggling with insomnia and nightmares.

"Sleep Easy is a groundbreaking device that, by improving the quality of your sleep, will be an ally in the fight for your health and a better quality of life.

For details on sales and investor partnerships, visit: www.sidly.eu/sleepeasy.

#health #sleep #nightmare #healthtec #innovations


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Co-organiser - coordination of activities, planning and implementation

photo Evtrade Events

A closed event in the form of a family picnic organised for employees and their families.

It was aimed at integrating employees and showing what working at Multiserwis is all about in an accessible, fun way.

photo Evtrade Events

The main objective was to draw the attention of the workers and their families to the specific nature of the work in the difficult and demanding conditions that prevail at the workplaces, on the construction sites that Multiserwis operated, and how much effort the company puts into ensuring the safety of its workers while they work.

During the picnic, various workshop stands were organised, where visitors could learn, for example, about the work of an industrial insulation sheet metal worker or the work of an industrial scaffolder, a demonstration of fire extinguishing on a construction site, an obstacle course with alcogoggles, etc.

photo Evtrade Events

For all participants, catering was provided, and at the end there was a cabaret performance by the Chatlet Formation, The event was attended by approximately, 700 people.

photo Evtrade Events

photo Evtrade Events

If you want to organise a corporate event and don't know where to start


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Marta Stelmach

let's work together!


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I support you in communicating effectively with your clients and building lasting relationships with your business partners. My values are respect, trust and honesty.

I have 15 years of experience in marketing, PR and communication.

During this time I have managed:

  • Teams of up to 40 people, from a leadership position,
  • Budgets of up to PLN 900,000,
  • Projects - coordinating activities,
  • Myself in time - setting priorities.

I have great skills of managing change, because the one constant in life is change.

I have conducted over a dozen rebranding processes completed with full implementation, in companies with a diverse structure and international reach.

I have organised dozens of special events, business meetings and corporate events for up to 700 people.

I have worked in companies from various sectors and I have worked with various departments, both internal and external.

I will help you achieve your marketing and communication goals without going over budget. I am open to collaborative options that will work best for your business.

All you have to do is ensure that we have a fruitful business relationship.


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Your external Marketing Department




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